Trails of Västmanland

Arboga Medåker - MTB Blå 5 (in Swedish)

Arboga, Västmanlands län


  • Mountainbiking
  • Near parking

The association-run MTB area at Medåker has fun, well-signposted and easy cycling tracks. The trails alternate between forest and open terrain. The trails also go over some exciting rock outcrops, challenging when it's wet and extremely good grip in dry weather. You can choose between 2.5 km or 5 km and a turn of 10 km. And for the youngest cyclists, there is a children's track that starts at the club house.

When you've had fun andget dirty from mud, there is a bike wash at the sports field.


Leden går över jaktmarker. Så kolla gärna på Medåkers hemsida och Facebook vid älgjakt för aktuella avstägningar.


Parking is available at the football pitch.