Trails of Västmanland

Skinnskatteberg - Färnaleden (in Swedish)

Skinnskatteberg, Västmanlands län


  • Hiking
  • Trail running
  • Near parking


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Hike from Hut to Castle!

Hike from Hut to Castle and experience nature along the trail Kolarbyn - Färnaleden. Starting at Sweden's most primitive hostel, Kolarbyn Eco-Lodge, you hike about 14 km through a varied forest landscape to the majestic Färna Manor & spa. Along the winding forest paths you will be met by dark mysterious fir forests, large marshlands, airy pine forests, calming tarns and the beautiful Lapland nature reserve. Few places offer as much variety as this lovely trail on the outskirts of Skinnskatteberg.

The Kolarbyn – Färna hiking trail is well marked and easy to follow from start to finish. Orange markings on trees and posts make it easy to find, and spans and bridges take you safely over the wettest parts. In heavy rainfall however, some parts of the path can be wet and muddy. The terrain is mostly flat and mainly follows natural forest paths. The exception is the last stage through the Färna urban area, which follows a bit on asphalt. The trail is 13.6 km long and takes about 5 hours to hike at a leisurely pace with enough breaks.

If you choose to start the hike in Skinnskatteberg, you can park your car at Masbo IP and follow the marked MTB trail to Kolarbyn, which includes approx. 2 km extra. It is also possible to park at Skärsjön's bathing area, but then you will not pass Kolarbyn. At Skärsjön's bathing area, however, there may be a shortage of parking spaces on sunny summer days.

After a short hike through the forest after Skärsjön's bathing area, you reach route 233, which you will have to pass. Visibility is good, but as the speed on the road is high, we advise good attention and caution.

During your hike, you will pass through Lapland's nature reserve with extensive bogs and spruce forests. At Bladtjärn you can take the opportunity to rest in the wind shelter and use the barbecue area for food and warmth. In the nature reserve, you also pass a fascinating nature conservation burning area. Signs along the loop tell about the EU project Life Taiga and you can see traces in the landscape where the controlled burning of forest was done.

Kolarbyn - Färnaleden can be carried out both as a self-organized day trip or as part of a program with accommodation packages via Kolarbyn Eco-Lodge and Färna Herrgård & spa. Contact any of the facilities for more information.

Skinnskatteberg is a popular destination for active nature lovers and has a lot to offer in terms of nature and outdoor life. On the municipality's own website there is plenty of information about what you can experience here.


Den här sagolika vandringen är fortfarande under utveckling innan den fullt ut nått kvalitetskraven för låglandsled. Trots detta är den väl uppmärkt och lätt att följa, och vi hoppas att du får en härlig vandring genom skog och myrmark.

Tänk på att vara utrustad med ett par rejäla vandringsskor och att den här leden är mer anpassad för den vane vandraren.


If you start from Kolarbyn, turn off from highway 233 just south of Skinnskatteberg’s town centre. Follow the sign towards “Kolarbyn”.

If you start in the Färna area, you will find the trailhead in the parking lot at the Färna Manor Estate. Follow signs from highway 250 toward “Färna Herrgård” when you enter the town of Färna.


You can book tickets for a bus or train to Skinnskatteberg station via (train) or (bus). It’s possible to walk the 4km from the station to the start of the trail at Kolarbyn Eco-Lodge (4 km) or book a ride with Taxi Skinnskatteberg to the trailhead. Taxi is also the only option back to Skinnskatteberg from Färna Manor.


The best parking facilities are available at Masbo IP sports field. To find the start of the Kolarbyn-Färnaleden trail, follow the mountain biking trail that runs around Skärsjön lake and starts at Masbo IP, until you reach Kolarbyn Eco-Lodge, where the trail starts.

There is occasional parking available at Kolarbyn, but it’s mainly intended for guests staying at the lodge.

You can also find parking at Skärsjön lake’s swimming area, but remember that during the summer season this parking lot is packed due to people swimming in the lake.

In Färna, you can park by the manor estate. If you are going to hike, you can choose the small parking listed on Outdoor Map


The trail mainly follows natural forest paths with flat terrain. In some parts of the trail, there is a gravel road, and a short distance through the Färna locality is on asphalt.
