Trails of Västmanland

Strömsholms kanal (etapp 7 av 8) Surahammar - Hallstahammar

Surahammar, Västmanlands län


  • Paddling

From hammer to hammer via Strömsholm channel's seventh stage

The stage between Surahammar and Hallstahammar is a pleasant stage that primarily offers views of beautiful cultural environments. With the exception of the Baltic Sea and the Baltic Sea outside Surahammar, the stage largely follows a rather narrow flow of water, giving good views of land attractions. The entire stage is 13 km long and takes about 5 hours to paddle.

For those of you who will paddle on to [Strömsholm’s final stage towards Borgåsund] (https:/ follow some further lifting towards Hallstahammar. For those who do not move forward to the next stage, the option is to finish the tour before the locks.

The first lock you meet is at the Ålsätra power station. Here you should paddle into the channel to the right and avoid the water flow to the left that leads to the power station. A [uptake bridge](https:/ bridge-ovanfor-slussen-i-alsatra) is 75 m ahead of the lock on the right side of the channel and a [deposit bridge]( bridge-under-sen-sen-follow-sen-sen-sen-follower) is also available.

The next lift is at [Trångfors](https:/ bridge-by-trangfors). There is also parking for those planning to finish the tour before the locks in Hallstahammar. If you wish to paddle through Hallstahammar, continue past the lock in Trångfors and towards the locks at Lustigkulla. [Recovery site](https:/ bridge-by-slusses-to-lustigule-in-hallstahammar) you will find on the left side of the channel just before the first lock. Here you can then proceed by land transport about 700 m bypassing several locks to the [deposit point at Skanssjön] ( ion). You follow the dashed walkway that follows the channel’s left edge.

The last lift comes after paddling through Skanssjön and reaching the first of two locks. The admission site is on the left of the lock and here follows a land transport of about 400 m past the two locks to the [deposit site]( site-sorkvarnsvagen) under the bridge after Skantzö Camping and under the Sörkvarnsvägen. You walk along an asphalt walking and cycling path on the left side of the channel. The seventh stage of the Strömsholm channel ends and the eighth takes place.

For those who want to extend your visit to Hallstahammar there is a lot to experience. Stroll around among historic cultural settings and enjoy food or coffee from any of the city’s pleasant cafes or restaurants. Along your paddling, you passed the glorious [Kanal Kaféet] (https:/

If you wish to spend the night in Hallstahammar, there are the options [Skantzö Camping](https:/ hallstahammar) or [Åsby hotel](https:/ conference).

For more to see and do in Hallstahammar please see Commune website for visitors


Strömsholm’s canal is one of Sweden’s longer channels and follows Kolbäcksån from Smedjebacken in the north to Borgasund in the south where it originates in Mälaren. The canal was commissioned in 1795 with a view to meeting the transportation needs of mountain mills. During its 10-mile journey, the canal passes through several western Manufacturers who produced the products that were involved in building Sweden’s prosperity. Paddling tours in Strömsholm’s canal offer fascinating history, beautiful scenery and lovely cafes and restaurants. The entire channel can be paddled during a single multi-day tour with stops on pleasant accommodations along the way, or betas off with several day stages during a summer.

Welcome here!

Visit for more information.


Along Strömsholm’s canal there are several smaller hydropower plants and adjacent to these, current water can occur. For your safety, keep abundant distance to the facilities. Use the map to be prepared for where the facilities are located and pay attention to warning signs when they occur. Click on the icon for each i- and admission brew for more information about the conditions at each brew.

The water in Strömsholm’s canal is more current when there is large water flows. Contact canoe renters Lakeside Adventure for more information on safety and water flows.


All stages along the canoe trail in Strömsholm’s channel start and end at a city with access to public transport in the form of both trains and buses. If you start your paddling tour at one place and finish in another, you can always go collectively back to your starting location.

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