Trails of Västmanland

Västerås — Rocklunda mountain biking trail (MTB Black)

Västerås, Västmanlands län


  • Mountainbiking
  • Near parking
  • Near Public Transport
  • Near toilet

The MTB Black mountain biking trail at Rocklunda is a technically challenging trail that’s best suited for experienced mountain bikers. It features a mix of large roots, rock slabs, drops, and rocky passages. There are some other nearby mountain biking trails, however, for anyone else looking for a challenge closer to their skill level.

Right next to the trail is the Rocklunda sports complex, which buzzes with activity due to its numerous indoor and outdoor sports facilities. The first stage of the [Bruksleden hiking trail] ( also starts here. So you can experience a landscape that transitions from city to countryside and then the forest.

Anyone who’s a fan of craft beer will be delighted to learn that the local brewery [Coppersmith´s] ( has recently taken over the restaurant at Rocklunda. Consider the potential of grabbing an after-biking beer at Coppersmith's Beergarden & BBQ.

If you want to extend your stay, there is the [Hem till Gården (Home to the Farm)] (, a hotel and a bistro within cycling distance where you can experience accommodations of a rural environment in the middle of the city.


When ski tracks are laid at Rocklunda, the MTB trails are closed on the parts that affect the ski tracks.

Error reporting on the MTB trails is done via Västerås City app: TRYGGARE

It is downloaded where apps are available.
