Strömsholms kanal (etapp 5 av 8) Virsbo - Ramnäs
Surahammar, Västmanlands län
From place of use to place of use in the Fifth Stage of Strömsholm
Along this stage, you paddle between the Västmanland mills Virsbo and Ramnäs. The stage offers beautiful nature, pleasant beaches and fascinating cultural environments. After you have passed the Lake Virsbo, the canal runs in a rather narrow flow, allowing you to frequently paddles near the land and to enjoy rural views.
The stage starts at the deposit bridge after the lock in Virsbo and is 16 km long and takes a maximum of 7 hours to paddle including a coffee or lunch stop. The stage ends at taking bridge in Ramnäs where the paddler can choose to finish the tour or continue along Strömsholm channels next stage towards Surahammar.
Two lifts must be made during the stage before Ramnäs. The first lift is at the locks Seglingsberg and the second shortly thereafter at the locks at Färmansbo. At Seglingsberg you will find the uptake bridge at the left shore before the water divides to the left to the lock and to the right to a power plant. Beware of the power station on the right. After absorption follows a land transport over a bridge that crosses the channel so you follow the channel on the right side past the lock. Deposit bridge is missing here, but there are suitable grassbacks down to the water along the channel’s right side where you can put in your canoe. At the second lift in Färmansbo shortly thereafter, you will see the uptake bridge clearly at the channel’s left edge just before the lock. Also this shore stabbing to put in the canoe after the lock you will find clearly at the left edge of the canal.
A third and last lift follows at the locks in Ramnäs for those who want to continue towards Strömsholm’s channel’s next step towards Surahammar. Both taking bridge prior to the lock and [shooting for insertion]( However, be sure to find the channel when you paddle in to Ramnäs. At the lake little Nadden, the waterway divides into two. A larger flow of water goes to the left while the channel you are going to paddle father to the right.
Along this wonderful stage there is much to experience. You pass pleasant places such as bathing site in Virsbo, bathing site outside Seglingsberg and bathing site at Stora Nadden/wwatt-wande-wan-wapps-wanown-waden-wande-wanownownown-wande-wande-wande-wande-wande-waiting-waden. At the locks at Seglingsberg there is a nice grass area where you can stay for a co-owned picnic and at the lock at [Färmansbo]( motility-at-slussen-in-farmansbo) there is a grass area where it is allowed to tent. Shortly before Ramnäs passes [Killingholmen](https:/ protection-with-fire-and-speech-pa-killingholmen) where there is both wind protection, fireplace and oath. In Killingholmen it is also possible to tent.
Anyone who wishes to live a little more comfortably can enjoy accommodation on both [Herrgården i Virsbo] (https:/ and Schenströmska Herrgård in Ramnäs. Lovely coffee can be obtained from Genberg’s summer cafe in Virsbo and why not feed a pizza from Ramnäs Pizzeria.
Virsbo and Ramnäs are located within the Municipality of Surahammar and for more information on what is there to experience visits (the municipality of website for visitors)( time-tourism/turist.html).
Strömsholms kanal är en av Sveriges längre kanaler och följer Kolbäcksån från Smedjebacken i norr till Borgåsund i söder där den mynnar ut i Mälaren. Kanalen togs i drift år 1795 med ett syfte att tillgodose bergsbrukets transportbehov. Under sin ca 10 mil långa resa passerar kanalen genom flera västmanländska bruksorter som i gamla dar producerade de produkter som var med och byggde Sveriges välstånd. Paddlingsturer i Strömsholms kanal bjuder på fascinerande historia, vacker natur och härliga caféer och restauranger. Hela kanalen kan paddlas under en och samma flerdagarstur med stopp på trevliga boenden längs vägen, eller betas av med flera dagsetapper under en sommar.
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Along Strömsholm’s canal there are several smaller hydropower plants and adjacent to these, current water can occur. For your safety, keep abundant distance to the facilities. Use the map to be prepared for where the facilities are located and pay attention to warning signs when they occur. Click on the icon for each i- and admission brew for more information about the conditions at each brew.
The water in Strömsholm’s canal is more current when there is large water flows. Contact canoe renters Lakeside Adventure for more information on safety and water flows.
All stages along the canoe trail in Strömsholm’s channel start and end at a city with access to public transport in the form of both trains and buses. If you start your paddling tour at one place and finish in another, you can always go collectively back to your starting location.
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